Prep, Remove and Be Ready!
Here are some useful ideas to help save time and money for your welding repairs.
I charge from the time I get to the job site to the time I leave. That’s the same with most other mobile welders, so let’s go over a few things to help save some time and money on your future repairs.
First things first, if possible, clear out the area that needs welded so a truck can get as close to the area that needs repair as possible. The less walking back and fourth from the truck the better. Walking takes time and prolongs the repair. If the repair is outside clearing away debris, branches, leaves and anything that can catch fire while welding. Remember, welding creates sparks. I would be more then happy to clear what ever is needed to get the job done but you’d be paying a welding rate for cleaning.
Second is removing any parts in the way of what needs to be welded. For example, if you need a part welded in a tractor under the seat, if you have the seat removed I could go straight to work. I have almost every tool to get the job done and would be more then happy to remove some items to get what needs to be welded. But keep in mind the more “work” it takes to finish the repair, the more costly the repair will be.
Personally and professionally I have always tried my best to build a foundation of honesty and trust. I am trying to use this article is one of the ways to help in that way. I will do almost whatever it takes to get the job done, even if that means removing flammable debris, clearing out the area to get to the work piece. But I am happy to help you save money to get your repairs finished. These basic concepts of saving time and money can be applied to a lot of different trades from welding to lawn-care, handyman repairs to electricians and everything in between.